STARS FC USA Winter League

STARS FC USA Winter League Flier

STARS FC USA Winter League Logo with soccer player kicking a ball and a soccer field graphic

Stars FC USA winter Futsal League 2024/25 is a sanctioned United States Futsal Federation league. This league was created to bring together the best balance between Soccer Clubs and Futsal Clubs at a regional competitive level for all of our players ultimate development. 

Benefits: Individual creativity, that builds confidence, passing for possession, shooting under pressure, quicker decisions and most of all is fun with your friends! 

Hosted at the Park School of Baltimore, with a total of 5 courts, gives teams, lots of touches with only a minimum amount of weeks to play and increases the speed of play through repetition with multiple games! 


Session 1 

December 1 - January 12. 

Session 2 

January 19 - February 23. 

Format: 8 games 

Week 1: 2 games 

Week 2: 1 game 

Week 3: 2 games 

Week 4: 1 game 

Week 5: 2 games 

*Some teams might start week one with only one game and some teams might have two games so please check the schedule carefully. 

Ages/Year (Boys and Girls) 

8u 2017 

9u 2016 

10u 2015 

11u 2014 

12u 2013 

13u 2012 

14u 2011 

(HS Junior Varsity) 

15u 2010 

16u 2009 

(HS Varsity) 

17u 2008 

18/19u 2007/06 


  • All games will take place on Sundays and played within 8:00am-8:00pm. - 8 game season in 5 weeks. Each team will play two games back-to-back or with a 30-minute break in between so that you’re not stretched out throughout the day. - U.S. Futsal certified referees. 
  • Two 20-minute halves with one time out per half. An alliance with the same rules utilized at the state, regional and national levels for the United States Futsal Federation. - Substitutions on the fly from your bench area. 
  • Running clock. 


Ginga D1 Competitive 

Sala D2 Classico 

*Coaches will need to decide their teams talent level appropriately. Once you have selected your division, make sure your team is ready to play at that level to ensure fair play. 

League fees 

Early bird before October 1st. 


After November 1st. 


Any teams registering after the deadline date will be charged a late fee of $75 on top of their regular registration cost. 

*All referee fees included. Compared to any other league, our league has referee fees included. Effectively, we’re giving our teams one extra game for what they’re already paying at other places. 

Deadline to register: 

November 16th. 

*Teams wishing to sign up for both league sessions at the same time will also receive discounts on the registration. Additionally, we will grant discounts for league teams signing up for either one of our tournaments and or both. 

*Session 1 deadline to register is November 17 at midnight. 

Session 2 deadline to register is January 4 at midnight. 



  1. If you sign up for of our league sessions at the same time, you will receive a $75
  2. discount on both sessions.
  3. If registering for two of our tournament events at the same time, you will receive
  4. $100 off in total for both events.
  5. When signing up for the league and a tournament we can discuss a discount upon
  6. request.
  7. Clubs bringing more than 5 teams will receive $50 off each individual team when
  8. registered upon request.

Click Here to Register


All schedules to be posted on Monday, November 25th.

Once schedules are posted, they are final. Any requested changes will cost the team

$50.00 to be paid directly to Stars Futsal Club.

Forfeited games will result in a $100.00 fine processed directly to your team account.


United States Futsal Federation rules by FIFA. ( All rules will be

followed by FIFA standards processed by the first of the year in most cases. All of

our league teams will be notified in order to notify their players.


  • Jerseys must be numbered.
  • Shin guards are required for all players.
  • Futsal/Indoor soccer shoes.


League futsal balls:

Size 2 1/2 (8u-12u)

Used by younger individuals to enhance their development and skill set.

Size 4 (13u-18u)

Used by developed players for better quality touches in order to feel the

ball better at their feet.


Champions and Finalist awards will be presented to 1st and second place teams in

each division.

STARS FC Sponsored Tournament events:

Maryland Futsala 5v5

December 21 & 22, 2024

(Maryland State Cup Qualifier)

Baltimore Futsal Showcase

February 1 & 2, 2025

(US Futsal Regional Qualifier)


The Park School of Baltimore

2425 Old Court Rd.

Baltimore, MD. 21208


Stripe3Adidas, Rita’s, Shake Shack, Penalty Futsal balls and Coca-Cola.

Interested in being a sponsor? Contact us:

Contact Us at:

Mike Scarff

Executive Director of Operations



Facebook/Instagram: STARS FUTSAL CLUB


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